Monday, April 14, 2008


Iatrophobia- Fear of going to the doctor or of doctors.

Although not a huge phobia, yet still one I've always dreaded. Doctors and dentists..maybe because I went on so many visits when I was younger, and that perhaps it's a sign of illness or something is wrong with me. Hence as I grew older, I would tolerate the pain or whatever it was that bugged me until it was unbearable or someone forced me to go did I go see a doctor.

After my run in with a big metal pole a couple weeks ago, I went to see the doctor last week. He sent me to do blood tests and now have results in, which I'm not sure if I really want to know about. Normally, whenever I have done blood tests there's no call back. That's when you know everything is normal. This time, I got the dreaded telephone call that the doctor wants to see me. What does this mean? Is something medically wrong with me?

Fear and panic now rush into me. Nothing positive comes to my head. Even if I want to think that he just wants to tell me that everything is ok, I fear the worse. Is it something hereditary or some serious illness I don't know about? Or am I just worrying for nothing...


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