Sunday, January 03, 2010

2010 - A brand new decade...a brand new me?

A start of a new decade and yet here I am, wondering who I am, what I should be doing with my life, why am I not being motivated in life...should I set some New Year's resolutions only for them to break time after time?

2009 was filled with emotions...a lot of laughing, crying, heartache, and fears. Someone special came into my life for a brief moment, touching upon my heart, and teaching me a lesson on leaving the past behind. Now in 2010 I must learn to say goodbye to that person. Instead, turn a new leaf, and move on with my life and feel happiness like I never felt before.

Resolution #1: Laugh more. Whether it be with friends, family or even at work, smile and laugh and enjoy every day of the year as if it would be my last. Perhaps then, life will feel a bit more complete.

2009 also taught me to treasure the people I have around me, whether it be friends or family. Life is too precious. Friendships are important, and family is even more.

Resolution #2: Learn to be more patient with others. My parents have also told me I have to work on my patience. This year, I work towards that more so by starting with resuming my hot yoga workouts and Wing Chun lessons with my friend. Perhaps I can work towards more patience in my life.

Bad events and memories in 2009 have made me realized how many problems I tend to bottle up inside of me. I do not want to see myself fall into a depressed state of mind and turn towards bad habits in order to cope with these problems.

Resolution #3: Drink less alcohol. I am not proud of the person I am when I drink. I do not have a problem and do not want to see it escalate into a problem. Drinking less alcohol will help prevent bad situations from arising and also increase my health.

I will work on these 3 resolutions and see how I can become a new me in 2010...


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