@ Home...
Listening to: the quiet stillness of the night, and the humming of my laptop...
Thinking about: darn Whistler accomodations, so expensive for an overnight trip...
Daydreaming about...the DaVinci Code! Reading the book and so immersed into the idea of a conspiracy of the Vatican and the secrets that lie wtihin the Holy Grail...even with the illustrated edition, my imagination is going wild! The vivid descriptions of the arts and the cryptography and symbols involved are so amazing. Plus, a lot of the art and history they discuss in the book are real, so it makes the story more believable. No wonder this book is such a bestseller! For those who have not read it and like conspiracy novels, this is the book! I think I've read too much John Grisham...makes this book so much more interesting since it's a new type of conspiracy....worth the hype I've been hearing...half way done, so gotta finish the other half this week or else I'll end up wondering about it for the rest of the month! ^^
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